In order to communicate with web services in Angular, it is best to use the HttpClient. The HttpClient has a number of benefits such as testability, strongly typed...
In this Twitch stream, we learned how to implement data validation with DataAnnotations in Blazor. We also learned what a pain in the butt dealing with a date input and...
When creating and using services in an Angular application, it is recommended to utilize dependency injection. Dependency injection is built into the Angular framework...
In this stream, I learned how to take advantage of dependency injection to create and inject services into my Blazor components.
In this video, we install Blazor and create our first Blazor application. Watch as I try to understand how Blazor startup works, create bindings, and add event handlers...
In this Twitch Stream, I talk about the new Hot Reload feature (currently in preview) that has been added to Xamarin.Forms. To test out Hot Reload, I am using the...
Passing data between Angular components can be achieved using both the @Input and @Output decorators. To pass data to a child component, create a property on the child...
Angular Structural Directives are used to add and remove items to the DOM. The three Angular directives we will talk about in this video is the ngIf, the ngSwitch, and...
Generally, If you want to transform data in your Angular application, you write the code in the component. For example, if you want to transform today’s date into a...