When I was at the Microsoft Build 2015 conference in San Francisco, Brian Noyes and I had a chance to sit down with Robert Green on the Visual Studio Toolbox to talk...
I recently received a question from a person we will refer to as “Hingle McCringleberry”, that was related to an old post I did back in 2011 showing how to use the...
The Infragistics xamRichTextEditor control is a highly customizable rich text editing control that provides functionality modeled after the features and behavior of...
I was browsing the Infragistics WPF Forums the other day and ran into this question asking how to localize the descriptions of properties in the xamPropertyGrid control...
Has this happened to you? Do you need to know the best way to show multiple shells in your WPF Prism applications? If so, then watch my new Pluralsight...
Updated for Prism.Forms 5.7.0-pre-1 (6/8/2015) Just fives days ago, Microsoft announced that the ever popular and highly adopted Patterns & Practices Prism Library...
The Prism Library was born in 2008 in the offices of the Microsoft’s Patterns and Practices team. Since then, Prism has grown into a mature set of guidance that allows...
In this video I demonstrate how you can install all the free Infragistics themes for the WPF and Silverlight Microsoft controls. For more information on specific themes...
In my “A Better Way to Data Bind Enums in WPF” post, I showed how we could use a combination of a custom MarkupExtention and TypeConverter to more easily data bind an...