When I was at the Microsoft Build 2015 conference in San Francisco, Brian Noyes and I had a chance to sit down with Robert Green on the Visual Studio...
Category - Video
Has this happened to you? Do you need to know the best way to show multiple shells in your WPF Prism applications? If so, then watch my...
There has been a lot of exciting things happening this week with regards to Prism. First we learned that it was opened sourced by Microsoft and...
In this video I demonstrate how you can install all the free Infragistics themes for the WPF and Silverlight Microsoft controls. For more information...
Way back in 2010, I was invited to audition to be a Pluralsight author. I was required to record a 10 minute demo, that covered a short, but simple...
On episode 32 of CodeCast, we are joined by Brian Lagunas who is a Microsoft MVP, a Microsoft Patterns & Practices Champion, Director of...
MVVM Best Practices #1 Highest Rated Episode on Visual Studio Toolbox
Back on May 12th, I attended this little event you might have heard of called TechEd in Houston, TX. Just before the event, Robert Green, the...
Brian Laguna’s of Infragistics presentation on “Introduction to Prism”. Part of the audio is gone, I used a copywrited song at the...
Building IG Outlook Part 7 – Adding the Contacts Module
This is the seventh video in a series that will take you step-by-step on building a Prism application that mimics Microsoft Outlook. In this...