I was browsing the Infragistics WPF Forums the other day and ran into this question asking how to localize the descriptions of properties in the...
Category - WPF
Has this happened to you? Do you need to know the best way to show multiple shells in your WPF Prism applications? If so, then watch my...
There has been a lot of exciting things happening this week with regards to Prism. First we learned that it was opened sourced by Microsoft and...
The Prism Library was born in 2008 in the offices of the Microsoft’s Patterns and Practices team. Since then, Prism has grown into a mature set of...
In my “A Better Way to Data Bind Enums in WPF” post, I showed how we could use a combination of a custom MarkupExtention and TypeConverter to more...
The Microsoft TabControl is a popular control to use as a region in a WPF Prism application. Unfortunately, the Microsoft TabControl comes with...
Have you needed to data bind enums in WPF? Well, if you write WPF applications, you bet your ass you have! In this post, I would like to...
So, I just found a feature in the Visual Studio 2015 Preview that will probably be one of my most favorite and most used. This feature is plain...
Since I have been working here at Infragistics, I have been gathering tons of great customer feedback, and have been trying to identify the areas of...
Try to think of your top three movie sequels. Which ones come to mind? Having trouble? Well, that might be because it’s not often...